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Saturday, February 12, 2011


Your body language gives a lot more information about you e.g. whether you come across as insecure or self assured, whether you are speaking truthfully or not etc.
By becoming more aware of your body language and of others, you can definitely increase your chances of getting the job.
Below are a few useful body language tips to adopt during a job interview :
- Arrive in time for the job interview ad arriving late for your job interview(important appointment) is absolutely unacceptable. Lame excuses like being stuck in traffic or missing the bus are unacceptable either.
- When shaking hands, shake hands firmly but not too powerfully and look straight at the other person.
- When greeting panel interviewers across the table, it is advisable to walk around the table to shake hands with the panel members instead of leaning over the table and with each greeting look directly at the other person and say your name. Do not assume the panel members know your name unless its an internal application.
- If you are not directed to take a specific seat and you are left to choose then choose a place from where you can clearly see all the interview participants and also from where they can all see you.
- During your job interview try sitting up straight in your chair with your back against the back of the chair as this indicates that you are interested but still come across as being relaxed. Sitting at the edge of your chair gives the impression that you feel uncomfortable and tensed.
- During your job interview it is advisable not to place your hands across your chest as it is interpreted as a defensive move. You would rather place your hands on the armwrests of your chair or loosely on your lap because from these positions it is also easy to support your words with hand gestures.
- During the job interview it is critical to look at the interview members to an equal extent because this gives a sign of trust to the person we are directly looking at and by looking equally at the other members, it states that we are in control of the conversation.
In conclusion, always remember to check that your body language is sending the correct and right signals during the job interview.

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